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This site looks best with a screen resolution (the size of what is shown) of 1600 x 900 HDMI. This gives enough room on your screen to navigate the site and read the text without having to scroll too much. The minimum recommended screen setting are 1280 x 720 and at this size you should be able to use our site without too much trouble.

  • Navigate to the Control Panel in Windows XP by left-clicking on Start, followed by Settings and then choosing Control Panel.

  • In the Control Panel window, open Display.

    Note: In Microsoft Windows XP, depending on how your operating system is setup, you may not see the Display icon. To correct this, click on the link on the left-hand side of the Control Panel window that says Switch to Classic View.

  • In the Display Properties window, click on the Settings tab.

  • Locate the Screen resolution slider on the left-hand side of the window. Under most circumstances, the best choice is 1280 by 720 pixels, possibly higher like 1600 x 900 if you're using a 19" or larger monitor. The "best" setting is highly subjective to your personal preferences.

    Note: Some types of software require the screen resolution settings to be set at a specific size. If you receive errors when opening certain software titles be sure to make any changes here as necessary.

  • Click the OK or Apply button to confirm the changes. If prompted, follow any additional on screen directions.



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