Search results for: Kerala Ayurveda and Yoga
Ayurveda is the traditional health science of India. It is considered to be the oldest branch of medicine in the whole world. Ayurveda is an intricate system of healing that originated in India thousands of years ago. Ayurveda is made up of two Sanskrit words: 'Ayu' which means life and 'Veda' which means the knowledge of. To know about life is Ayurveda.
Ayurtheeram's Ottamooli was once the secret saver of the royalty of ancient India. This mystical therapy can now work wonders for you. Completely ridding your body of all deadly toxins and ailments, and rejuvenating it too. A life miraculous transformation, leaving you feeling fresh, healthier and most importantly immune to diseases. All in the course of a single day.
Ayurveda evolved around 600 BC in India. This system of medicine stresses on the prevention of body ailments in addition to curing them. Today, its a unique, indispensable branch of medicine – a complete natural healing system that depends on the diagnosis of your body’s humours – vata, pitta and kapha, to achieve the right balance.
Ayurveda believes in treatment of not just the affected part, but the individual as whole. Making it the natural way to refresh yourself, eliminate all toxic imbalances from the body and thus regain resistance and good health.
Kerala’s equable climate, natural abundance of forests (with a wealth of herbs and medicinal plants) and the cool monsoon season are best suited for Ayurveda’s curative and restorative packages.
There are four Vedas or treatises which form the basis of Indian Philosophy. They being the RIGVEDA, the YAJURVEDA, the SAMAVEDA and the ADHARVAVEDA. Ayurveda has emerged out as the branch of ADHRAVAVEDA dates back over 5000 years. It is said to have been originated from Lord Brahma (creator of universe according to Indian Philosophy) and has been descanted to the earth through various generations of GODS and SAINTS. This has been handed down to us by means of ancient venerable scripts as palm leaf books, leather leaves, etc. The oldest works in Ayurveda now available are the CHARAKA SAMHITHA, SUSRUTHA SAMHITA and ASHTANGA SAMGRAHA.
Ayurveda is also knows as ASHTANGA VEDA (the word literally means “eight branches of knowledge”) as it is divided into eight specialized branches. They are as follows:
1) Kaya Chikilsa - General Medicine
2) Kaumara - Paediatrics
3) Bhrithya Graha Chikilsa - Psychiatry and Psycho Somatic Diseases
4) Shalakya Tantra - Diseases of Eye, Ear, Head, Nose, Throat and its Surgery
5) Shalya Tantra - General Surgery
6) Agada Tantra - Toxicology
7) Rasayana Chikilsa - Rejuvenation Therapy
8) Vajeekarana Chikilsa - Aphrodisiac Therapy
According to Ayurveda every living and non living being in this universe is a combination of five basic eterna
l elements called Pancha Maha Bhoothas. Human body is also constituted by this five eternal elements in various compositions. Hence, it can be conceived that every cell of body is possessed with all the properties of life. The only difference of human body from the external world is the expression of CHAITANYA or consciousness or life spark or spirit or soul. The five basic eternal elements are
(A) Earth (B) Water (C) Fire (D) Air (E) Ether
These eternal elements manifest in the human body as three basic principles or subtle energies or humours (Thridosha in Sanskrit). The word Dosha literally means that which maintains and controls the body. They are Vatha, Pitha and Kapha. The Pancha Maha Bhoothas and the Thridoshas are not prevalent to the naked eye. But, they should be conceived on comprehensive terms in which all physical structures and psychological functions of the body are included. The Air and Ether elements combined to form the Vatha Principle. The Fire element constitutes Pitha principle. Earth and Water elements combine to form Kapha principle. These three basic principles govern all biological, physiological and physio-pathological functions of the body, mind and consciousness. They act as basic constituents and protective barriers for the body in its normal physiological conditions.