Search results for: Kerala Customs / Baggage
I. If coming from countries other than Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar or China. |
Duty-free entitlements |
For passengers of age 10 Years |
Below and above 10 Years |
i)Used personal effects including Free one watch for
satisfying daily necessities of life
Free |
Free |
ii) Other articles |
(a) Stay abroad for more than three days
(b) Stay abroad upto 3 days
Rs.25000/- ) (in value) Rs.12000/- (in value) |
Rs.6000/(in value
Rs.3000/(in value) |
II. If coming from Nepal, Bhutan - Myanmar or China Other than by land route |
i) Used personal effects for satisfying daily necessities of life
Free |
Free |
ii) Other articles
Stay abroad for more than three days
Rs.6,000 /(in value)
Rs.1500/(in value) |
III. Passengers engaged in profession abroad for over three months |
Duty-free entitlements |
(in value) |
Used household articles
Other articles
as at page J
Rs.40,000/- (if working abroad for more than six months) |
IV. Passengers working abroad and returning on termination of work after stay of at least 365 days. |
General Free allowance |
as at page J |
Bonafide household articles |
Free upto aggregate |
which were in his possession
value of Rs.30,000/or use for atleast 6 months
except items at page 8 & 9 |
Items at page 8
Items at page 9 (except Gold/Silver)
Duty @ 15% ad valorem
Tariff Rate |
Jewellery |
(in value) |
Rs.l0,000/- (for males) Rs.20,000/- (for females) |
Pooling of free allowance with any otherr passenger is not permitted.

V. Tourists other than tourists of Nepalese and Bhutanese origin coming from their respective countries. |
Free Allowance: |
Personal effects |
No limit |
Gifts: |
(in value) |
i)Tourists of Foreign origin |
Rs. 8,000/ |
ii) Tourists of Indian origin |
as at page I |
VI. Tourists of Nepalese and Bhutanese origin |
Passengers returning to India after stay abroad of not less tban two years immediately preceeding the date of his arrival on transfer of residence.
Duty-free allowance |
except items listed at page 8 and 9
as at page 1 |
Bonafide house-hold effects except items at page 8&9 |
No Limit |
Items at page 8 |
Duty @15% adva/orem |
Items at page 9 (except Gold/Silver) |
Duty at Tariff Rate |

I. Bonafide baggage is to be despatched within one month of passenger's arrival in India. Time limit extendable by Asstt. Commissioner of Customs
2. Bonafide baggage landed within two months before arrival of the passenger is allowed clearance. Limit is extendable to one year by Asstt. Commissioner of Customs in exceptional cases.
What should you do when you leave India?
If you intend taking out with you articles of high value such as a camera, video camera, video cassette recorder or jewellery, be sure to ask the Customs Officer, at the time of your departure, for an Export Certificate for such articles. He will examine these and certify that they are being taken out of India by you. Keep this certificate safe with you and when you return to India, show the Certificate to the Customs Officer who will then be able to pass these free of duty. The advantage of having the Export Certificate is that the concessions you are entitled to, when you return, are not affected.
Please take special care to obtain an Export Certificate in respect of jewellery that you intend to take out to avoid any problem on your return.
Duty-free concessions
Used articles of personal wear, excluding jewellery and articles of personal use for taking care of the daily necessities of life.
Besides the used personal effects, you are allowed free allowance as under:
Passenger of 10 years of age & above |
Passenger below 10 years of age |
(in value) |
(in value) |
If coming from a country other than Nepal, Bhutan,Myanmar or China
Rs.25,000/ |
Rs.6,000/ |
If coming from Nepal, Bhutan,Myanmar or China other than by land route after stay abroad for more than 3 days.
Rs.6.000/ |
Rs.l500/ |
Cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, alcoholic liquors
You may include in this duty free allowance the following:
I) 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 gms tobacco. 2) Alcoholic liquor & wines upto 2 litres.

Items not allowed free of duty |
i |
Firearms and caI1ridges of firearms exceeding 50 |
ii |
Cigarettes exceeding 200 or cigars exceeding 50 or tobacco exceeding 250 gms.;
Alcoholic liquor & wines in excess of two litres. |
iii |
Any article that does not accompany you (i.e. unaccompanied baggage). |
iv |
Gold in any form other than ornaments. |
v |
Silver in any form other than ornaments |
Pooling of Free Allowance |
General free allowance cannot be pooled with any other passenger.
Clearance on payment of duty |
Articles which exceed the duty-free allowance and articles imported as unaccompanied baggage can be cleared on payment of duty at the rate of 40% ad valorem. However a11icles mentioned at (i) to (iii) above will attract higher duty. Separate rates of duty have been fixed for gold and silver.
A passenger of the age of 18 years or above (other than member of crew) is exempted from payment of duty on one laptop computer (notebook computer).
In case the value of one item exceeds the duty-free allowance, the duty shall be calculated only on the excess of such amount.
You can import pets (dog and cat only) upto two numbers per passenger at one time subject to the production of the required health certificate from the country of origin and examination of the said pets by the concerned Quarantine Officer. You are not required to produce the import licences or import sanitary permits. The standard health protocol to be followed by you while bringing pet animals may be obtained from your airline or travel agent or nearest Indian Embassy/ High Commission/Consulate.

The following additional duty-free concessions are available to persons engaged in profession abroad for over three months.
Household goods which are actually used by the passenger
during his stay abroad. These are for example:
- Linen
- Utensils
- Tableware
- Kitchen appliances
- Iron
The total value of all these household goods should not exceed Rs.12,000/
I f you are a passenger engaged in your profession abroad for over six months, you are allowed to import free of duty, such portable equipments, instruments, apparatus and appliances as are ordinarily required in your profession, up to value of Rs.40,OOO (Rs.20,OOO/- where stay is less than 6 months but more than 3 months).
Please note that this concession is available on items used by carpenters, plumbers, welders, masons and the like and that this concession shall not be available on items of common use such as cameras, cassette recorders, dictaphones, typewriters, personal computers and other similar items.

If you are an Indian Passport holder and returning to India after a period of not less than one year of stay abroad, you may import free of duty your personal effects and household articles upto a value of Rs.75,OOO/-. This concession is available subject to the following conditions:
i) That you have been working abroad and are returning to India on termination of such work after having stayed abroad for atleast 365 days during the two years immediately preceeding the date of arrival in India.
ii) You affirm by a declaration that the goods in question have been in your or your family's possession or the goods are purchased by such person at the time of Arrival before clearance from Customs.
iii) The concession shall be allowed only once in every three years.
Items (whether used or new) not allowed free but at concessional rate of duty of 15 % ad valorem under the above category.
- Colour TV Monochrome TV.
- Digital Video Disc Player.
- Video Home Theatre System.
- Dish washer.
- Music system.
- Air-Conditioner.
- Domestic refrigerators of capacity above 300 litres or its equivalent.
- Deep freezer.
- Micro-wave oven.
- Video camera or the combination of any such video camera with one or more of the following goods, namely:
(a) Television receiver;
(b) Sound recording or reproducing apparatus;
(c) Video reproducing apparatus.
- Word processing machine.
- Fax machine
- Portable Photocopying Machine.
- Vessels
- Aircraft
- Cinematographic films of 35 mm and above;
- Gold or silver in any form other than ornaments.

Items brought underTR facility on which no duty is chargeable |
(ii) Washing Machine
(iii) Electrical or LPG Cooking Range
(iv) Personal Computer
(v) Lap Top Computer
(vi) Domestic Refrigerator upto 300 Ltr. capacity or equivalent.
Subject to the conditions that:
i)You affirm by a declaration that the goods have heen in your possession abroad or, the goods are purchased from aduty- free shop after arrival but before clearance from Customs.
ii) Not more than one unit of the above items is
permissible. The aggregate value of the above goods including used personal effects and household goods allowed duty-free shall not exceed Rs.75,000/-.
iii) The items brought as unaccompanied baggage were
shipped or despatched to India or arriveed in India within the stipulated time limit.
Items not allowed free or at concessional rate of duty under this category |
- Firearms
- Cartridges of firearms exceedjng 50
- Cigarettes -exceeding 200 or cigars exceeding 50 or; tobacco exceeding 250gms
- Alcoholic liquors & wines in excess of two litres

A passenger who has been residing abroad for over one year is allowed to bring jewellery, free of duty, worth Rs.10,000/- in the case of a male and Rs.20,000/- in the case of a female.
On a bonafide Transfer of Residence to India, you can import free of Customs duty, your personal and household effects upto five lakhs but subject to the following conditions, namely:
you have been residing abroad for a minimum period of two years immediately preceding the transfer of residence;
you affirm by a declaration that the goods have been in your or your family's possession or goods are purchased by such person at the time of his arrival before clearance from Customs.